Bucket List

1. Compete in a beauty pageant
2. Complete all my craft projects
3. Complete a Minnesota State Park Geocache Challenge
4. Own a Victorian style house by a lake
5. Learn to make Gluten Free Swedish Cream lefse and pancakes (Made pancakes 2/17/2015 and they were delicious!)
6. Learn how to make a quilt
7. Sew a little black dress
8. Enter competitions with my dog
9. Grow an indoor winter garden
10. Create a menu plan for the whole year
11. Stick to an exercise plan
12. Become an extreme couponer/saver
13. Clean out the clutter
14. Win champion at the local county fair. (COMPLETED 9/4/14!)
15. Own a sports car
16. Find an accounting job Online so I can work from home
17. Learn to paint (COMPLETED 8/23/13!)
18. Get a Master's Degree (COMPLETED 3/20/15!)
19. Get a PhD
20. Write a book
21. Have a beautifully landscaped yard and garden
22. Be on our local television program
23. Get a motorcycle license
24. Get a snowmobile license (COMPLETED 3/4/14!)
25. Learn to tat
26. Make a professional crafting tutorial video on YouTube (COMPLETED 10/7/14!)
27. Compete in a golfing tournament
28. Learn to like and enjoy Minnesota winters
29. Have my dog Biscuit earn her Canine Good Citizen award
30. Have Biscuit become a therapy dog
31. Learn how to can all kinds of foods (COMPLETED 9/24/14!)
32. Get over my fear of caterpillars
33. Become the best Gluten Free baker in the county (COMPLETED 9/10/15!)
34. Read all the classic novels
35. Make time for something fun everyday just don't let it take over the work that has to be done
36. Learn to ride a horse
37. Take a cruise
38. Travel to a foreign country
39. Make a point to write in this blog more consistently
40. Become a self-sufficient homesteader
41. Purchase a "BeForever" Samantha Doll to expand my current collection
42. Purchase a 1980s white-bodied Samantha Doll
43. Swim with dolphins
44. Start my own business

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