Friday, March 25, 2016

New Baby Chicks!

Well, I have been thinking about this for a long time and doing my research, and we finally took the plunge!

We have four new chicks on the farm. All four are pullets because we are looking forward to having some fresh eggs. The two larger, lighter colored chicks are ISA Browns and the two smaller, darker colored chicks are Rhode Island Reds. Both are known to be popular breeds and good egg layers in our region according to the hatchery, so hopefully they work out well for us!

As you can see, I kind of scraped together a quick brooder for these little ones. I did this partly because I was in a rush and partly because I wanted to save some money. I did break down and buy a few things instead of hand making them, but the items were not that expensive. The waterer and feeder were both affordable and I already had the more expensive heat lamp on hand. I didn't buy the chick feeder because they would outgrow it in a few weeks. I see at the farm fleet store they were using the adult feeders too, which made up my mind that a chick feeder was unnecessary.

So, hopefully they turn out alright and I will be able to share with you some updated videos in the future of their progress!

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