Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Miracle Gro Aerogarden Bounty Herb Kit Review

Have you ever had one of those days where you just had to clean out your closet? I mean the day where you cannot find anything you are looking for, you are so frustrated, and just start pitching everything in sight? Well, I had one of those days. I was looking for a pair of shoes of all things and couldn't believe all the junk that had accumulated in there. One of the boxes that got thrown out was my old AeroGarden Bounty box. The unit itself has a spot on my table, but I had kept the box for about a year as it had loose leaflets, some accessories I haven't used yet, and oh yeah, the herb kit.

I just don't cook with fresh herbs and wanted the aerogarden more to grow lettuce during the cold winter months for fresh salads and sandwiches then to have a fistful of basil on hand. To each his or her own. But, I was curious to see if those herbs would grow. I mean afterall, they had been sitting in my closet for about a year. So, another customer review video was born! Take a look:

The herb kit worked out better than I thought! I didn't check to see if I could get a guaranteed replacement of the chives being they didn't sprout. I know Miracle Gro will honor those requests when you purchase the kit. But, I didn't care to get a replacement being these would be going out in my garden outside. Like I said before, I am not much of an herb fan.

Hope you found this video helpful!

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