Sunday, October 22, 2017

Morning Feeding Chores on a Hobby Farm

This is how farming and ranching is supposed to be, cool crisp mornings, fresh air, silence all around except for the birds waking up in the trees, beautiful sunrises, and a hearty breakfast. Well, a hearty breakfast for the animals first that is. 

Morning chores really aren't that hard on a beautiful day. It is when a blizzard comes and you have to thaw out the water tank, shovel out the bunks, and fumble through the snowbanks with heavy pails of grain or deal with sick animals that makes it hard. That is when you learn to appreciate easy days like the one in this video.

The chickens have a feeder and waterer that I only need to fill once a week. Just make sure everyone has plenty of food and water and you are done! See how easy that was. Hope you all had a great start to your morning. Thanks for watching!

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