Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Preparation

For those of you who are following my Gluten Free Thanksgiving menu, you should have your salad cups made and the rest of your grocery shopping done. Speaking of that, if you were at the grocery store today such as myself, you will find quite a few people shopping! Of course, we have storms headed through much of the country this holiday season, so please be safe in travelling.

I also completed the homemade ice cream to accompany the apple pie. And, we have cleaned out our fridge as our turkey will need to be put in our refrigerator for defrosting starting tomorrow. Please remember to allow 24 hours of defrosting time for every 5 pounds of your bird. And, please defrost them in the refrigerator as according to the USDA this is the safest way to do it. We do not want our dinner guests to be sick over the holiday season and blame our cooking right?

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is also the time to get the homemade bread baked for our stuffing. Also, if you are using china that has been sitting in the cupboard for awhile or any bake ware that you keep stored away until the holiday season, make sure to take those items out now and wash them. You do not want to have dusty plates for your dinner guests to stare at.

That's it for today's post please follow my blog the rest of the week as I share the rest of my meal preparations.

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