Friday, December 6, 2013

Gluten Free Pillsbury Pie Crust Review

OK, if you read my Pillsbury cookie review, you are probably wondering why I would want to try another one of their products and get glutened all over again. Well, one of my family members thought they would buy me this frozen crust to help me out with my holiday baking. Personally, I think Thanksgiving dinner being made completely from scratch is great. Nonetheless, I decided to try it out then waste the gift by tossing it in the garbage.

First thing you should know is that there is only enough dough to make two single crust pies or one double crust pie. Being it was Thanksgiving, I decided to try a single crust and make a pumpkin pie. The dough was easy to roll out and I was very pleased with its pliability. But, it tore easily. I had to finally hand press it in the pie plate. I baked it per the packages instructions, but the crust still burned and the filling was not cooked all the way through. I ended up cooking the pie until the pumpkin filling was cooked completely and scraped off the burnt sides of the pie. (The crust underneath the filling was okay.) 

I decided to make an apple pie with the remaining crust to give it another try, thinking I probably messed up with the first. I know what you are thinking, an apple pie is a double crusted pie and all I have left is a single crust for one more pie. You are absolutely correct. So, I used a recipe from Betty Crocker's website for a dry crust of GF Bisquick Mix, Brown Sugar, and Butter to sprinkle over the filling. Anyway, back to the apple pie, this crust also burned after double checking instructions for temp and time. The filling was done, though. 

The crust, that wasn't burned tasted okay, and I did not get glutened! But, I did not like how this crust burned every time I tried to bake it. I will stick with The Gluten Free Pantry's Pie Crust Mix as that has been the best pie crust I have experienced yet.

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