Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall Cleaning & Garage Sale

Did you ever come across a city-wide garage sale ad and think to yourself you do not have anything to put on a sale? Well, that is what I thought. But, of course, I have plenty of stuff that is just laying around collecting dust. I was in the middle of fall cleaning (which is perfect timing as today is officially the first day of fall) when I ran across the ad, and now I am having a garage sale this weekend.

My fall cleaning also led me to piles and piles of notes for to-do lists, which led me back to this blog that I started about a year ago. I found I have too many things I want/need to do to keep up with everything. But, I also noticed I have too many interests, especially when it comes down to narrowing a topic I can blog about on a regular basis. This in turn led me to changing my blog again, one change that would lead me on the right path to keeping a regular blog posting schedule, bucket lists.

There are so many things I want to do, why not choose something that encompasses all of them? Which leads me back to fall cleaning and the garage sale. I needed to make room and get organized if I was going to tackle all those projects on my master bucket list (which you can view on the page marked Bucketlist to keep up to date on my progress). Of course, getting organized and getting rid of clutter are listed, too. So, I am already accomplishing some items on that list. :)

I sure have been learning a lot on what makes a garage sale a killer sale, also. If you are interested in some cool tips, watch this video from Money Talks News and read their post. Here is the link: http://www.moneytalksnews.com/2014/05/16/10-tips-for-having-a-killer-garage-sale/

I am hoping to have a great sale! But, if I don't sell everything, I am hoping to sell the rest on eBay unlike Money Talks News' suggestion of donating it to goodwill. The reasons for this is one, I need the selling practice, two, I may get a great sale I couldn't score at my garage sale, and three, goodwill is a long ways away from where I live. I figure if it doesn't sell on eBay, I will make a special trip to donate my items to goodwill. But until then, I have a lot of work to do. 

Happy Fall Everyone!

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