Saturday, October 17, 2015

How to Can Blueberry Syrup - USDA National Center for Home Food Preserva...

I love pouring berry syrup on waffles, pancakes, and even ice cream! But, the stuff in the store is so expensive and is full of high fructose corn syrup.

My Ball Canning Book does have a recipe for blueberry syrup. However... it has corn syrup listed as one of the ingredients. I decided at that point to do some searching on the Internet and went to my local extension's website to find a new recipe. They had one that can be used for all kinds of berries. And, it has no corn syrup!

Also, I trust the USDA as they have tested the recipes to comply with food safety guidelines. So, there is no worries that the recipe I found has been untested and is unsafe.

I love making syrup as it just involves juicing the fruit and adding sugar to thicken. It is so good on pancakes. So, you have to give this recipe a try!

See how easy it by watching the video below!

Another great thing about this recipe is you can use fresh or frozen berries. This is a huge bonus for me as berries are only in season for a short while and I make many batches in one year!

This recipe can be used to can blueberry, cherry, raspberry (black or red), and strawberry syrups, too. So, it is very versatile and you can get many flavors of syrup to delight your whole family with!

If you want a copy of this recipe, please go to this website to print your own copy from the USDA:

In my video, I used a Roma food strainer to make the juicing process of the berries even easier. It goes much faster using this food strainer and the berry screen attachment than boiling the berries and extracting the juice through letting the mixture sit in a jelly bag or cheese cloth.

To order the Roma food strainer I used in this video visit this link:

To order additional screens for the strainer (such as the berry screen used in this video) please click on this link:

The only problem I have with this berry syrup is keeping enough jars of it stocked on my shelf! Yes, everyone in my family adores this syrup so I have to make many batches a year to keep up with the demand!

Well, time for me to head out to the garden and plant more blueberry bushes!

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks for watching, and have a great day!

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