Friday, October 3, 2014

It's Friday....

For me, Friday came way too fast! But, it is another opportunity for us to review our bucket lists/to do lists and prepare for the weekend and the coming week ahead!

#6 I really worked hard on this one all week. Mainly because the fabric was staring at me in the face. So, I cut out all the pieces for the king sized quilt and am ready to begin sewing my top together this weekend. In case you are interested in what quilt I am making here is a picture from the website of the pattern I chose (My fabric selection was a little different but still follows the blue and white theme) and a link for the pattern in case you want to make this quilt too!
This pattern is for a confident beginner, which is what I am at the moment. I have sewing experience behind me, so the top should be smoothly finished. It is the actual quilting part I have not done before.
#9 My indoor winter garden is looking beautiful I see I am ready to transplant my little tomatoes into bigger pots with the tomato cages. And, the lettuce is growing well. Soon I will be able to eat a fresh salad when the snow flies!
#13 The garage sale went over well thanks to the beautiful weather we had that day. After the sale, we bagged up items to donate, toss, or try selling on eBay & Craigslist. Hopefully we can weed out more things this winter. But, I did drop off the donations at our local goodwill and collections facilities. I have more room to breathe now but can still get rid of more items.
#18 As my week vacation from school is coming to an end, I realized that this will be my final quarter in my Master's program as I begin the thesis. This will probably put a damper on how many other items I can check off my list, but I will be glad when this part of my schooling is done because it will mean a degree in my hand.
#26 I am finishing up the final details of my video for YouTube. It is on how to crochet the park slope afghan pattern from Vanna's Choice yarns for Lion Brand Yarn company. I will make sure to post a link here when it is uploaded and finished.
#32 I thought I was really doing well seeing caterpillars crawl around the yard at a distance and not getting too squeamish. However, as I was picking the last of the squash last week, I moved a leaf and a big woolly bear caterpillar was right there. I screamed and everyone thought I had uncovered a snake. A snake would be no big deal, as the ones in my area are not deadly and don't pack a bite. I usually just pick them up and move them out of my way, but a caterpillar, ewww! So, I got a lot of laughs out of my family for that and decided to help out by washing off the melons and bringing them in for winter storage instead. I will definitely have to work at this one.
#33 We had a birthday in the family last week and I made the yellow layered cake from the America's Test Kitchen How Can It Be Gluten Free Cookbook. It turned out better than any gluten free cake I have ever made before! But, I still have a lot of work to do in making sure I can tell when the cake is done. I pulled it out about five times before I thought it was finished, and it still could have been in the oven a little bit longer. My problem I believe has to do with our oven not being leveled. So, leveling plus adding an oven thermometer I hope will improve my chances of baking success.
#37 I found out in my latest issue of the Celiac Insights magazine that there is a tour club you can become a member of and they have travel packages for cruises. Yippee! All the gluten free accommodations are prepared just for you and your other companions you travel with are also on a gluten free diet. One trip in particular is a cruise to Switzerland. I am hoping I can go on that one with a family member. I hear it is beautiful with gorgeous scenery, great food, and a very cultural atmosphere. So, we shall see what comes of it. The cruise would take place over a year from now, so I have plenty of time to prepare.
#38 Of course, if I go on the cruise, I will also complete my next goal of traveling to a foreign country.
#39 To help me write on this blog more consistently, I have come up with a schedule. Friday's we review how we are doing with our Bucket Lists, Tuesdays can be product reviews, I am hoping to also have a craft project day, weekly menu planning day, and a cooking day. But, we will see how all this pans out. In the meantime, I am hoping to post at least two days a week and see how that goes before I go over my head.
#40 To become self-sufficient takes steps. So, our first step was to limit our family grocery shopping trips from weekly to every other week. So far, so good. We had a huge shopping trip this past week after not shopping for two full weeks. We picked up quite a bit of stuff and we also forgot quite a bit of stuff. So, we are working on making more thorough lists and really determining if the items are something we need versus something we want. It is definitely a learning process, but it takes us one step closer to becoming more self sufficient, more organized, and not spending as much money.
That's it! Well, I thought I wouldn't have much to write on this subject today, but I proved myself wrong. It just goes to show that when you take the time to review all the activities of the prior week, you find out you have accomplished a lot and are motivated to delve into next week's activities. I hope everyone had a great week and enjoy a wonderful weekend!

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