Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to Mix Up Calf Milk Replacer for Jerseys

Jersey calves are a little different from other calves as their body mass is much lower. This means, they don't grow as fast as other dairy breeds and especially beef calf varieties. Even so, it is important that these calves get the needed protein in their milk replacer.

We use Land O' Lakes Amplifier Max from our local feed store in town. This stuff is expensive, but very worth it! It has the needed percentage of protein for these calves. A lot more protein then the bags we found at the fleet & farm stores around the area.

Land O' Lakes does have a special formulation milk replacer just for Jerseys, but we could not find where to get that. Even when we called our local extension service and the nutritionist at the local feed mill, they both didn't know where those bags could be located.

Needless to say, what we had worked good enough for us and was even medicated to help prevent scours. Which trust me, scours is a nasty business. I have heard from many ranchers that there are two things to watch for that can kill a calf, which is pneumonia and scours. Well, scours itself doesn't kill the calf buy malnutrition and definitely dehydration will!

So, here is how we mixed up our milk to comply with the instructions given to us on the bag and in batch form to make up 9 bottles quickly so our calves could eat!

It is a pretty simple process when it all comes down to it. You just need to make sure that the water is hot enough to mix up the milk but not too hot that you burn your calf's mouth or stomach.
So, with all this lovely milk we were giving them and how well we had set up the barn, you would think that our calves would be happy enough to stay in their own pen. Well, think again! Just shortly after I had edited the video to give you guys, the calves got out again... Yes, they have been out before! And, they basically tore the barn apart, so I had to take a video to show you guys just how much damage a 4-5 week old herd of Jersey's can do!

I hope you enjoyed the videos! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Otherwise, have a great day!

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