Monday, November 2, 2015

How to Repot and Force Easter Lilies for Spring Flowers

Happy November Everyone!

I know you are all thinking of fall, pumpkins, turkey, and thanksgiving this time of year. Some of you may be thinking of holiday shopping already! But, I am thinking spring flowers.

What?! Spring flowers! Yes, I know. I am either lagging behind everyone or I am way ahead of you. The latter is what I am aiming for. But, when November roles around I know it is time to start thinking of spring flowers in thinking of forcing my bulbs for Easter.

I save hyacinths, potted tulips, and of course Easter lilies from our church. I hate to see anything wasted or thrown out when the plants are perfectly good and healthy. So, I take the pots home and care for the plants until they start going into their dormant phase. Once the leaves start turning brown, I quit watering them and let the plant slowly die back. That is when I put the pot and all into my cool basement and forget about them.

By the time I have dug up my gladiolus, dahlias, and calla lilies, I usually find them stashed away in a corner. I then remember to keep my eye on them and when November comes they get repotted. It is so easy, and I wanted to share this video with you on how you can save and force these bulbs to bloom next spring!

Now, some of you I realize live in a warmer area than my Minnesota. And, you probably transplant these bulbs outside into your gardens, which is a great idea. However, lilies bloom in the mid-summer. So, you would have to keep them potted up to force them for spring blooming. Tulips and hyacinths on the other hand do bloom in the spring when planted outdoors. So, even if you do live in a warmer growing zone, you can do this, too!

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below. Thanks for watching, and have a great November month!

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